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Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Research : The bigger the penis size, the better

A medical study has confirmed every unendowed man’s worst nightmare: women really do think bigger is better when it comes down to what’s in your pants.

Well, that’s if we’re talking about vaginal orgasms achieved through penetrative sex, and not clitoral orgasms, which “the experts” like to argue are two totally different things, natch.

The findings, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, saw 323 women at a Scottish university asked to recall their sexual activity within the last month.

They were asked about penile-vaginal intercourse, vaginal orgasm and clitoral orgasm and whether penis length influenced their ability to orgasm.

Of these, 160 women had experienced vaginal-only orgasms and had had enough sexual partners to compare size experiences.

33.8 per cent of that figure claimed to prefer bigger-than-average penises, 60 per cent said size did not matter to them, and 6.3 per cent said they preferred shorter appendages.

Overall the women who reported the highest number of vaginal orgasms during the previous 30 days tended to say they preferred longer penises, the findings revealed.

Researchers found penis size was however not related to the frequency of clitoral orgasm.

“Male anxiety about penis size may not reflect internalised, culturally arbitrary masculine stereotypes, but an accurate appreciation that size matters to many women — just as men feel legitimate anxiety when they enter the mating market about their intelligence, personality traits, sense of humor, social status, height, wealth, and other traits known to be favored by women across cultures,” study researcher Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the University of the West of Scotland, told LiveScience.

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