It is obvious that human
service to God differs from that of man to fellow man, hence there is to
understand the requirement for services to God. God has chosen men and women in
partnership with Him to build His kingdom- What is man that God is mindful of
A Christian is one whose
life spells and describe Christ-kind of living; One who is Converted, Honest,
Renewed, Instructed, Separated, Temperate, Intercessor, Alert, and Noble.
Today's world need Christians to rise up and learn to do their duty. This duty
determine virtues- Isa. 30:2. Life is a privilege, offered by God the creator.
It is therefore one' debt to lie to glorify God. he motive of duty is to love
from the heart. We love Him because He first love Him- 1 Jn. 4:19. Similarly, a
Christian's purpose and mission in life should be based on the first commandment
''You shall have no other god beside me''- Ex. 20:3 and ''seek ye fist the kingdom of God and its
righteousness and all other things shall be added to you''- Matt. 6:33. The
Christian conduct is a growth process of becoming like Christ by imitating Him.
'' Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is
your reasonable service; and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind that you may prove that which is acceptable and
perfect will of God- Rom. 12:1-2.
Spiritual self discovery
occurs as a believer becomes a disciplined follower, and in the course, a bond
slave, voluntarily serving Jesus for life. Each believer learns of their gift
packages and is then responsible for cultivating and utilizing the gifts in the
Church- Rom. 12:6. Continuous improvement is appropriate, as it would be for an
athlete; a musician; an artist; a businessman or even a soldier. The committed
Christian may fall but gets up and keeps moving- Prov. 4:6; Jam. 1:8. He knows
his duty and must do them as defined by God's word- Let us hear the conclusion
of the whole matter, Fear God and keep His commandments- Eccl. 12:13.
For the Christian, there
are five categories of duty- Duty to God, Duty to oneself, Duty to the
household of believers, Duty to the family and Duty to the society. The goal of
obedience is to please God, and to enjoy privileges. In like manner, the goal
of duty is personal satisfaction and contentment, Knowing that what is good and
right has been done and the society has been improved.
Service is being a partner
in doing a duty to God, government and fellow person. In public service, you
serve to receive salary or wages but in God's service, you do not have to
negotiate your salary or wages; yet you receive a reward from God- 2 Sam.
7:1-13; 1 Tim. 5:8.
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