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Monday, 1 May 2017


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The word ''demons does not occur in the King James version of the Bible. Actually, the word comes from a Greek word daimon meaning the devil as translated five times in the King James Version. Originally, the ancient Greeks used both diamon and diamonion of the heathen gods, divinities or spirits they worshipped. Thus, the Greek philosophers in Athens mocked Paul as a preacher of foreign divinities, using the word diamonion- Acts 17:18.
The Bible also refers to demons as evil spirits and as unclean spirits with the connotation that they are impure, vicious and defiling. Demons are mentioned only a few times in the Old testament. In his final song, Moses equates them with foreign gods worshipped by the Israelites when they backslid- Deut. 32:17; Ps. 105:37; 1 Cor. 10:20. Demons take advantage of the heathen and whatever response their sacrifices bring is really from demons.
Demons were also involved in occult practices of the heathen. Because of this, the law of Moses warned the Israelites not to have anything to do with astrology, fortune- telling or wizardry. Such things are defiling and would make them unclean before God- Lev. 19:26.
At the outset, it must be understood that astrology is a pseudo-science. It is not based on concrete, scientific fact. There is no evidence that planetary or stellar configurations have an effect on our behavior or future. Astrology causes individuals to become dependent upon horoscopes rather than God's word for daily direction. This places an individual for dangerous ground; it opens his mind to all kinds of satanic suggestions. Interest in astrology characteristerically parallels a nation's moral decline. This was true of the Roman empire and is becoming more and more evident in the world today.
It is evident also that heathen prophets actively sought to be possessed and thus were willing agents of the demons who possessed them.

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil- 1 Jn. 3:8. While on earth, He healed those that were oppressed of the devil- Acts 10:38.  We must not confuse Satan's attack such as temptation with demon's possession. click on the picture at your left or right to buy any product at a reduced and affordable price.

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