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Monday, 8 May 2017


Paul's first epistle to Timothy has the usual opening salutation of other letters but ''mercy'' is added to the more common prayer for grace and peace as a benediction on the recipient. Paul urged the young preacher to remain at Ephesus in ministry to the church there. Timothy was somewhat reluctant t do Pail's bidding at that time. The city was full of pagan influences dominated by the great temple of Diana and Timothy was to order certain teachers at Ephesus to cease preaching a doctrine different from what Paul had shared there. The Greek indicates that it was not another of the same kind. No such thing exists. Its religious myths and endless Jewish genealogies gave rise to mere speculations and promoted controversies. The new teaching failed to minister adequately the treasure of God contained in the gospel. It was a crooked rather than a straight message.
Paul was as concerned about keeping territories he had conquered for Christ as he was conquering in other areas. Also, the new doctrine at Ephesus caused both preachers and audience to turn aside and miss the mark. The shooting aim of its promoters and philosophical speculations that get people nowhere. Proudly proclaiming that they were true to the law of Moses, these teachers understood little of what they attempted to explain to others.
People who argue about doctrine are mainly unbelievers who use this tactic to keep from having to face the truth about their own spiritual condition; while others are Christians who engage in these discussions merely for the sake of argument.
In resisting the Judaizers, the apostle is not opposed to including elements of the Law, as long as it is done correctively, in preaching the gospel. The slaying of God's son took away the sins of the world once and for all, hence he cannot condone the use of animal sacrifices for sins. The act forever abolished the ritual of the Law, including circumcision. However, Paul recognized that certain of the Law's moral aspects still serve a useful purpose.
A growing problem in American society today is physical abuse among family members. In some states, often those with high unemployment, reported incidents of child abuse are up to 50% in a year. Many a times, these problems are among churched families, as children from supposedly Christian homes are sometimes abused. Some Christian couples are also guilty of beating one another. Therefore, the Church have a responsibility to speak out against physical abuse, and teach or preach about the damage, both physical and emotional abuse that parents inflict on each other and their children.
Furthermore, the apostle says fornication, kidnapping, lying and perjury are sins. He however concluded that any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine is wrong. In his worship, Paul remembers what his conduct was like before his conversion. He was a blasphemer, speaking injurious words against both God and man; a persecutor who casts people whether male or female into prison or the testimony of Christ; with these memories, he characterized himself as being a violent man, though God forgave all freely but Paul never forgot what he did.
Through the years, Paul has seriously pondered the reasons behind his change from the past to the present position. The Law afforded sacrifices for sins of  ignorance while making no allowances for those of a willful, presumptuous nature. However, the Lord did not simply forgive Paul because he did not fully realize his wrong in opposing the gospel. The apostle also says the love, mercy and grace of God were involved along with his faith. He recognizes it as an amazing abundant grace that saved him. Also, the Lord delivered Paul from sin to specifically use him as an example of His power to save. He became a model to encourage others who afterwards considered believing in Jesus. His conversion demonstrated more than that of anyone else that Jesus came into the world to save sinners; That is the core truth of the gospel.

Timothy needed Paul to reassure him that he was still in the will of God; and we occasionally need that same affirmation today and this can be achieved through the word of God; encouragements from a trusted friend who knows our circumstances and assures us of God's love and care; and through spiritual manifestation.

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