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Monday, 3 July 2017

HEIRS OF GOD- GAL. 3:26-29; 4:1-7; 21-26

Racism and Christianity are fundamentally at odds with each other. Racism evaluates people on the basis of genetics while Christianity evaluates people on the basis of the attitudes of their hearts.  Racism teaches that the quality of a person's life is unchangeable while Christianity teaches that the quality of a person's life can be changed by divine grace. Racism believes that biological father determines a person's worth, while Christianity believes that all men are of equal worth before God and other men. There can be no room for racist attitude among those who claim to be followers of Christ. Cultural patterns may be different, but in the body of Christ, we must be open and sensitive to one another. The things that divided us before should no longer divide us now.
Paul indicated that Jesus Christ, the son of God came into this world just like everyone else. He was born of a woman so that He can identify with us. Jesus was born under the Mosaic law and delivered us from the curse of the Law, making us God's adopted children. This privilege allows us to receive the Holy spirit and the spirit of Christ in us cries out ''Abba Father''. The result of sonship is that we are no longer slaves f the law, but full heirs with God.

Paul's letter to the Galatians was written to correct the judaizers who wanted to put the people back under the law by compelling them to be circumcised. In order to convince them of their error, Paul used their own weapon against them. He appealed to the law to demonstrate  that the law could not justify. Those who follow the law can never be heirs with the children of promise. Our life of faith subjects us to pressures from both right and left. Those from the left ridicule us for our life of obedience and those from the right want us to adopt more rules and regulations to control our lives.

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