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Wednesday 25 September 2024

Why the International Community Will Ignore Nigeria’s Plea for Debt Forgiveness – CUPP Sounds Alarm on Corruption and Waste

The Conference of United Political Parties (CUPP) has delivered a harsh reality check, declaring that Nigeria’s plea for debt forgiveness will continue to fall on deaf ears unless the government makes serious strides in tackling corruption and cutting down on wasteful spending. This revelation, shared by the National Secretary of the CUPP, Chief Peter Ameh, strikes at the heart of Nigeria's current leadership and the growing global perception of the country’s governance.

Debt Forgiveness: A Hollow Plea?

Speaking from Abuja, Chief Ameh laid bare why the international community remains skeptical of Nigeria’s appeal for debt forgiveness. The appeal, made by President Bola Tinubu through Vice President Kashim Shettima at the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79), has triggered more scrutiny than sympathy.

The reason is clear: Nigeria’s global reputation for rampant corruption, mismanagement of public funds, and a lack of transparency has eroded trust in its leadership. Ameh put it bluntly, saying, "Nigeria’s corruption problem is well-documented," referencing the country's dismal ranking of 149th out of 180 nations on the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index.

This low ranking, he argued, reflects the “pervasive nature of graft and bribery” in the country, and it is this entrenched corruption that has not only stalled development but also shattered the international community’s confidence in Nigeria’s ability to manage its own affairs—let alone borrowed funds.

The Impact of Nigeria’s Credibility Crisis

Ameh went further to outline the far-reaching consequences of Nigeria’s credibility crisis, which he warned could result in:

  • Reduced international cooperation and investment
  • Limited access to concessional loans and financial aid
  • A decreased influence in global forums like the UN

According to Ameh, the international community views Nigeria’s leaders as insincere, often squandering resources meant for development on luxury items and unnecessary expenses. “The government’s priorities seem skewed, with more attention paid to maintaining power than addressing the needs of its citizens,” he said. This, he explained, sends a clear message: the welfare of the people takes a backseat to the interests of the elite.

Luxury at the Expense of Progress

One of the most damning aspects of the CUPP’s critique centers on the government’s inefficient resource allocation. Ameh detailed how billions of naira, originally intended for crucial development projects, have been diverted to fund luxury lifestyles for a “microscopic elite.” This has left the majority of Nigerians—those most in need of basic infrastructure and social programs—sidelined, fueling anger both at home and abroad.

"Nigerian leaders stand accused of misallocating funds, embezzling money meant for critical development, and indulging in frivolous spending while the majority of citizens struggle," Ameh continued. This pattern of behavior, he said, is at the root of why no one in the international community is rushing to forgive Nigeria’s debts or extend new loans.

What Must Change: CUPP’s Blueprint for Rebuilding Trust

The CUPP didn't just issue criticisms—it also proposed concrete steps that Nigeria must take to regain credibility on the world stage. Ameh stressed that the government must urgently adopt the following measures:

  1. Strengthen Institutions: The first step is to reform and reinforce institutions to ensure laws are enforced, especially in the areas of public accountability and the prevention of embezzlement.

  2. Prioritize Development Projects: Ameh called for an immediate shift in government spending priorities, urging leaders to channel funds into development projects and social welfare programs that benefit the vast majority of Nigerians, not just the political elite.

  3. Increase Transparency: The CUPP advised that financial reports must be regularly published to keep citizens informed about how government funds are being spent. By ensuring full transparency, Ameh argued, the government can slowly rebuild trust with both the public and the international community.

  4. Hold Corrupt Leaders Accountable: Lastly, the government must begin holding corrupt officials responsible for their actions, promoting a culture of good governance and setting an example that corruption will no longer be tolerated at any level of leadership.

A Call for Real Change, Not Lip Service

CUPP’s warning couldn't be clearer: unless Nigeria tackles its corruption problem head-on and begins to prioritize the well-being of its people over the desires of its elite, the international community will continue to view the country’s calls for debt forgiveness as hollow.

“Nigeria’s leadership must make amends, or the world will not take its pleas seriously,” Ameh concluded.

Will Nigeria Listen?

As Nigeria faces mounting debt and dwindling international goodwill, the question remains: will the country’s leadership take these warnings to heart and enact real reforms, or will they continue down the path of corruption and mismanagement? With so much at stake, the answer could determine Nigeria’s future on the global stage—and whether its citizens will ever see the benefits of the debt forgiveness its leaders so desperately seek

Vice President Shettima’s Passionate Plea at the UN: Nigeria Calls for Palestinian Independence, Global Justice, and a Reformed World Order


In a powerful and emotional speech before the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, Nigeria's Vice President Kashim Shettima, speaking on behalf of President Bola Tinubu, passionately advocated for justice, equality, and the long-overdue rights of the Palestinian people. His words resonated across the hall, painting a vivid picture of a conflict that has torn apart lives for decades, yet remains unresolved in the eyes of the world.

A Call for Palestinian Independence:

Shettima didn't mince words when he declared, "The Palestinian people deserve a home of their own, on territories already recognized by international law." His voice carried the weight of Nigeria's steadfast support for the Palestinian cause, expressing the anguish of witnessing the ongoing devastation in Gaza and other Palestinian territories.

In his remarks, the Vice President highlighted the horrific situation in Gaza, describing it as "heart-wrenching." He urged the international community to stop turning a blind eye to the suffering, emphasizing, “We cannot discuss war and peace, conflicts and reconciliation, or digital humanitarian imperatives today without reflecting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has been raging since 7th October last year.”

His message was clear: the time for empty promises is over. “Palestine deserves independence,” he affirmed, slamming those who continue to ignore the resolutions of international law and the repeated calls for peace.

Two-State Solution: The Only Path Forward

Reiterating Nigeria's position, Shettima voiced the nation's commitment to reviving the two-state solution, which envisions peaceful coexistence between Israel and Palestine. “We continue to urge efforts to bring back on track the ‘two-state solution,’ which offers the prospect of a new beginning for the region,” he said.

The conflict, as he reminded the assembly, has persisted for more than half a century, simmering without resolution. Nigeria stands alongside other nations such as South Africa, Namibia, Greece, and Colombia, all united in calling for Palestinian independence at this pivotal moment.

A Global Failure: Has the World Failed Gaza?

Shettima's speech cut deeper than political rhetoric—it was a sobering reflection on the failure of global leadership. “The war in Gaza shows that the international community has failed to live up to the spirit and aspirations of the United Nations—to rid the world of inequality, violence, and domination of one people by another,” he said.

In a direct and poignant statement, he argued that justice must never be confused with revenge. “Justice is antithetical to revenge,” he said, adding that freedom is a right that no people should be denied. His words echoed with a sense of urgency—urging world leaders to reflect on their role in ensuring peace and equity.

Beyond Palestine: Africa, Global Justice, and Reform

While Palestine was a focal point, Shettima’s address also tackled broader issues. He reaffirmed Nigeria’s commitment to peace, particularly in Africa. Nigeria, a key player in UN Peacekeeping Operations, continues to advocate for stronger, more professional African armies to tackle the numerous challenges the continent faces—from terrorism to regional conflicts.

He further stressed the need to operationalize the African Standby Force, urging international support to bolster Africa’s capabilities in counter-terrorism and conflict resolution.

And in a bold move that could reshape the geopolitical landscape, Vice President Shettima renewed calls for permanent African representation on the UN Security Council, saying, “Nigeria and other African nations deserve a permanent seat at the table.” His appeal for inclusivity, equality, and cooperation hit home, as the Vice President argued that these values are the only way forward in a world plagued by crises.

A Call to Action: Global Hunger, Terrorism, Climate Change, and Debt Forgiveness

The Vice President didn’t stop at conflict. In his speech, he painted a picture of the existential challenges facing humanity, from global hunger and terrorism to the devastating effects of climate change. He called on world leaders to take collective action, urging them to face these challenges head-on, without delay.

He also called for renewed financial structures, including debt forgiveness for developing countries—a move that could relieve many nations drowning under the weight of financial obligations, allowing them to invest in their people and infrastructure.

The Time for Action is Now

Vice President Shettima’s speech at the UN was not just a message—it was a call to action, a rallying cry for justice, and a demand for reform. His words—delivered with clarity and conviction—spoke to the hearts of millions around the world who have long waited for justice and equality.

As Nigeria continues to champion the rights of the oppressed and fight for a more inclusive and fair world order, the question remains: will the global community finally answer the call?

This moment at the UN may just be a turning point, not only for Palestine but for a world in desperate need of change.

Saturday 21 September 2024


THIS AGREEMENT is executed on the [date] day of [month] 20[year], BETWEEN [Vendor's Name] residing at [Vendor's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the 'Vendor') of the first part AND [Purchaser's Name] residing at [Purchaser's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the 'Purchaser') of the second part.

The Vendor agrees to sell, and the Purchaser agrees to buy, the property described in the first schedule to this Agreement, subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. The purchase price for the property is agreed upon as [amount].
2. The Purchaser shall, prior to the execution of this Agreement, remit a deposit of [amount] to the Vendor’s solicitor, [Solicitor's Name], who shall hold the deposit in stakeholder capacity pending completion.
3. The balance of the purchase price, amounting to [amount], shall be settled at the time of completion. In the event of a delay caused by the default of the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall be liable to pay interest at the prevailing bank rate.
4. The sale encompasses chattels, fittings, and other items specified in the second schedule, valued at [amount], for which the Vendor acknowledges receipt.
5. The Vendor, as the Beneficial Owner, sells the property subject to the inclusion of a specific clause in the Assignment, stipulating that the implied covenants do not infer the Vendor's compliance with the repair covenant in the title document.
6. The Purchaser acknowledges the inspection of the property for personal use and enjoyment as a licensee. In the event of default in payment of the property balance, the deposit paid under this Agreement shall be forfeited.
7. Upon the execution of this Agreement, the Purchaser shall immediately take possession of the property for personal use and enjoyment as a licensee. Failure to make the payment for the property balance shall result in the forfeiture of the deposit paid under this Agreement.
8. Time is deemed essential to this Agreement, which must be completed on or before the [date] of [month] 20[year], at the Vendor's office.
9. The Vendor undertakes to execute the Deed of Assignment prepared by the Purchaser and to obtain the Governor’s consent for the property transfer to the Purchaser.
10. The Vendor shall insure the property with a reputable Nigerian insurance company against fire, flood, and other common perils for the cost of reinstatement. The insurance policy shall be assigned to the Purchaser upon completion. In the event of non-reinstatement, the insurance proceeds shall be shared proportionally to the Purchaser's deposit.
11. The Vendor indemnifies the Purchaser against any loss or damages associated with the Vendor's title.
12. The Purchaser shall bear all incidental costs related to the preparation and execution of this Agreement.
13. This contract takes precedence over any prior agreements and constitutes the final agreement between the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement on the date and year first above written.

(description of the property)
Property located at [property location]

(list of chattels and fittings sold along with the property and their respective prices)
1. [Item description and price]
2. [Item description and price]
3. [Item description and price]

Executed by the Vendor [Vendor's Signature] IN THE PRESENCE OF:
Name: [Witness Name]
Address: [Witness Address]
Occupation: [Witness Occupation]
Signature: [Witness Signature]

Executed by the Purchaser [Purchaser's Signature] IN THE PRESENCE OF:
Name: [Witness Name]
Address: [Witness Address]
Occupation: [Witness Occupation]
Signature: [Witness Signature]

Prepared by
Chigozie Victor Ezekiel Esq.
Sterling Sure Law Firm
No. 4 Onumiri Street,
Owerri, Imo State.
Contact Number: 08034997413

Sunday 12 March 2023

Maintain your size

When you tell some people say shoe get size they no de hearπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Beware of friends of office

I am sharing this for the benefit of those who will one day have the fortune or misfortune to lead. 

leadership is a fortune when you operate in a stable and established system, with people who understand their responsibility to the system. If you lead in a system where leadership is personalized and the followers are scrambling for pickings, you have your end narrated before you begin. 

Long ago, I was a Director. I was appointed on the 1st of December. By the 20th, I had 12 bags of rice in my store. More were landing and I needed space for hampers. I don't get excited by such material things. I grew up in abundance in a family where we had most of our needs. Most of what thrills people as progress and achievements don't move me. I also witnessed great hardship and poverty and I understand the difference. Back to the story. I took my children to the store, asked them to count the bags of rice. I asked if they knew who own the rice and who gifted them. They said, you daddy; and your friends gave you. I corrected them. I told them that the commodities were given to the director by friends of office. I promised to take them back to the store after I leave office. I left office 3 weeks before Christmas. There was barely a bag and a half. My children remembered 6 years earlier. The lesson had been learnt. 

I see many young people declaring everyone in office as their mentors. I have seen people laugh at dry jokes from witless officials. I have also witnessed people make philosophers of ordinary people in power, making ideology of inanities. I have seen words such as"doyen", "erudite", "distinguished", misused and abused. Please beware of friends of office, those who are ready to lay down their lives for you while you are in office. They vanish once you leave. The same energy they used to praise-sing you, they transfer to those who succeed you. They are the first to condemn you, provide evidence against you as a way to testify to their loyalty to the new friends in office. I see leaders shrink in size, frame and popularity once out of office because they built their lives to fit the office. Many never recover once they discover that they were defined by the office, not the other way around. There is a great falling away after office. Group by group, one by one, those circles pine away and the friendships dissipate. If you were nobody, you shrink to your true size.

Learn to decipher the difference between yourself, your office/position and humble yourself to embrace who you'll be after leaving the office.

*Be your very best always.*