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Tuesday, 23 May 2017


Every word, sentence, paragraph, chapter and book of the Bible is the word of God and very important. However, some portions of Scripture may at times hold more interest than others.
Paul here speaks of perilous, hard, difficult times ahead. Times of great stress demands much of the preacher. The apostle predicts what will come in the last days. Paul lists specific evils that will mark the last days. Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, and lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. They will be void of natural family love; children will be disobedient to parents as in the early days of backsliding man- Rom. 1:30.
In these difficult days ahead, the apostle says men will be boasters, proud, blasphemers, unthankful and unholy. They will be irreconcilable, either refusing to make peace or failing to keep a trace once it is made. Men will also be false accusers, slanderers and will not have self control, they will be brutal and savage and the worst is that many of these people will claim to be religious.
These religious men with empty professions are not without their leaders. Their prophets know how to worm their way into the homes and lives of the simple. Among them, Paul says are silly women loaded down with sin and driven by various lusts. They are curious to know religious to know religious teachings but lack the ability to arrive at truth and stay with it. The false religious leaders of the difficult times ahead resist the truth as men of the past.
With the revelation that evil men and imposters will increase in the land, deceiving and being deceived, Paul tells Timothy to stay true to his word. From infancy, Timothy's mother had taught him the Bible and today's parents ought to follow suit. What others taught him from the book was the source of Timothy's salvation, though his early teachers were Jewish, they prepared him to accept Jesus as Messiah upon hearing the gospel.
 Timothy was the product of teaching and training in a godly home. The training of children can be compared to building of bridge. A bridge is an extension to a new territory in the same way that new experiences are extension of the growing process. Some of these bridges that our children should be helped to build are- a bridge of salvation (by helping them experience eternal life and bringing them closer to God); a bridge of self worth (healthy sense of self worth, encouragement from parents, and helping them to see their reflection of self in the mirror of the family); a bridge to self discipline (children are naturally self centered and self willed, hence parents need to bring them to obedience. Discipline  is an expression of parental love and concern- Prov. 13:24 and the purpose of parental discipline is to develop self discipline and submission to the will of God, which as they grow up, the parents gradually release them to their own self control of the Holy Spirit).
The word of God is from the mouth of God. He inspired the writing of all truths, whether historical, theological or moral. All that is contained in the Bible is profitable for teaching, for refutation of error, for correction to those who have fallen and for instruction in righteousness.

Timothy's ministry includes reproof in effort to convince. In doing so, it is appealing to reason. At times, he is to rebuke and correct with authority. He is to also exhort his audience to affect their will and all these must be done in long-suffering and careful teaching. The apostle tells Timothy that a day would come when they would no longer desire to hear the true teaching but will seek false teachers to teach  them what they want to hear and they will turn their ears from the truth to lies. In the midst of all these, Timothy is advised to ''watch''. 

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