the beginning of Paul's first letter to Timothy, the apostle addressed the
problems that false teachers caused in the city where Diana was worshiped.
They refused to embrace the healthy teachings of Jesus and His doctrine which
promoted upright living. They had another, a twisted message. Their twisted
minds have left them with an unhealthy cravings for endless arguments about
controversial questions. They love wars over words. Rejecting sound doctrine,
they have been made sick by their own teachings.
results of the erroneous instructions at Ephesus were far from desirable. Paul
lists them as envy, fighting, abusive speech, and false speculations. Involved
also are constant angry arguments of the truth they once possessed. But more,
these false teachers suppose that godliness is a means of gain. Their doctrine
becomes the source of discontent among believers.
records that while the Russian Orthodox Church was in a conference hotly
debating some minor issue of church doctrine, the Bolsheviks were overthrowing
the government of Russia and setting up a Communist regime. What a tragedy it
is when Christians become mixed up in a quarrel in pointless argument while the
world around them is perishing in revolution. We must continually guard against
the danger of majoring in minors.
is not only subtle, it is deadly. Godliness should never be viewed as a means
of material gain. The real gain of godliness is in the spiritual realm. Trust in God leads to the priceless
possession of contentment. With food, clothing, and shelter, the Christian
should be content- Phil. 4:11. Paul declares that covetousness ignores the
facts of life. As is often said, ''You can't take it with when you die''. Job
among the world's richest, exclaimed '' Naked came I out of my mother's womb,
and naked shall I return'' - Job 1:21.
the apostle declares this subtle sin is the root of many others. This is so
much the case that Paul says, ''the love of money is the root of all evil''. It
is even listed as a basic cause of divorce today. Covetousness robs a man of
his soul. It leads him to temptation and a trap. It fosters foolish and harmful
lusts and ends in utter destruction and ruin.
believers are not the only ones who have the problems of greed and covetousness. And it is not limited
to those Christians who are more wealthy. Poor people can be stingy too. It is
a temptation to the poor and not just the rich. In today's world, those who
have little of this world's goods are tempted to envy those who have much. The
wife may work away from home at nights and the husband during the day, not out
of necessity but simply to have an ever higher standard of living. The husband
may even seek a second job, working evenings and weekends just to afford more
luxuries. As a result, there is little time left for self, family and God.
practice consistent Christian living, the apostle exhorts young Timothy to flee
these things, which includes false doctrines of troublesome teachers at Ephesus
and their lifestyle e.g Simon of Samaria
who was in the ministry for the money it brought him. While fleeing these
things, Timothy was also to follow hard after the true riches of life. He was
to set his heart on righteousness, godliness, faith and love. He must seek to
remain steadfast under trial. He was also to strive always to manifest
gentleness of temper in relating to men. Paul challenges Timothy to fight a
good battle against lust, sin and Satan, and live a spotless life that lives
him above reproach.
inspire consistency in Christian living, Paul suggests that Timothy should ever
keep ever before him the hope of the coming Christ. No one knows the day nor
the hour of His return. Also the rich among the Christians should share their
material goods with others to keep down the subtle sin in their lives. It is
irrelevant to trust in riches because it is God who gives them. Hence, the
wealthy should worship Him for what they have. So many Christian families today
are caught in the trap of materialism. They are looking to things to bring them
fulfillment and happiness. Things are however a very unreliable means of
achieving true family happiness. The item that was so earnestly desired by all
soon loses its appeal, and then something else must be acquired to take its
place. Jesus expressed it best when He said '' A man's life consists not in the
abundance of the things he possess'' - Lk. 12:15.
be a good steward, Timothy must guard carefully
the treasures which has been committed to his trust and ensuring it is not
mixed with counterfeit items. He must avoid the godless and empty chatter of
false religious leaders at Ephesus. Timothy is not to be persuaded by the
claims of the opposition. They declare they have the real knowledge but what
they know is modern science, hence they proclaim false teachings and doctrine,
which may sound intellectually appealing but spiritually empty and deadly
poison to attract listeners to themselves. Therefore all children of God are to
guard themselves with the word to avoid falling prey to these sugar-coated
religious philosophers.
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