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Thursday, 5 December 2024

Bad Brushing Habit

When it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene, brushing your teeth regularly is essential. However, one dentist is warning that brushing your teeth at certain times can actually do more harm than good.

Dr. Shaadi Manouchehri's Top Times to Avoid Brushing Your Teeth.

After vomiting, Dr. Manouchehri warns that brushing your teeth immediately can wear away your enamel. This is because the stomach contents are highly acidic, and brushing your teeth can spread this acid around your mouth.

Brushing your teeth straight after breakfast can also be damaging. When you eat, your mouth becomes acidic, and brushing your teeth can rub this acid onto your teeth, wearing away your enamel.

Dr. Manouchehri advises waiting at least 60 minutes after eating sweets before brushing your teeth. This is because sweets are digested into acid, which can damage your teeth if rubbed onto them.

When to Brush Your Teeth Instead

So, when is the best time to brush your teeth? Dr. Manouchehri recommends brushing your teeth first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything. This helps to remove any bacteria that may have built up overnight and prevents acid from forming in your mouth.

Other Bad Habits to Avoid

Dr. Manouchehri also warns against using mouthwash after brushing your teeth. This can wash away the fluoride layer that helps to protect your teeth.

Another dentist, Dr. Nyree Whitley, warns that consuming too much sugar can lead to a range of oral health problems. Signs that you're having too much sugar include increased tooth sensitivity, spots on the teeth, and toothaches.

By being mindful of when you brush your teeth and avoiding bad habits, you can help to keep your teeth strong and healthy.

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