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Friday, 6 December 2024

How To Detect Fake Friendship/ Relationship

Detecting fake friendship/Relationship can be tough, especially when there's a history of betrayal involved. Here are some Red Flags to watch out for:

(1) Self-Centeredness: If your friend or partner only talks about themselves and doesn't care about your life, feelings,or opinions, that's a major warning sign 

(2) Lack of Interest: When they don't ask you questions or show genuine interest in your well-being, it's likely they're not invested in the friendship/ Relationship.

(3) Dishonesty: Frequent lying or exaggerating is a trait of fake friends/partner. If you catch them in a lie, it's time to reevaluate the friendship/Relationship 

(5) Emotional Unavailability: If your friend/Partner is never there for you during tough times or only reaches out when they need something, that's a sign of emotional unavailability.

(6) Boundary Disrespect: Fake friends/partner often disregard your boundaries or make you feel guilty for setting them.

(8) Gossiping: If your friend/Partner talks negatively about others or gossips about you behind your back, it's time to distance yourself.

Some other signs include:

(1) Inconsistent Behavior When your friend's/partner words and actions don't align.

(2) Manipulation Using guilt trips or emotional blackmail to control you.

(3) Disregard for Your Feelings:Making you feel bad about yourself or dismissing your emotions.

If you've identified several of these red flags in a friendship/Relationship, it may be time to Reevaluate the Relationship

. Ask yourself;What are the good and bad aspects of this friendship.Are there more negative than positive interaction. Do I feel valued and respected in this friendship?

Remember, surrounding yourself with genuine, supportive friends/partner is crucial for your emotional well-being. Don't be afraid to distance yourself from toxic friendship/relationships and focus on nurturing healthy ones.

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